
The Society for Audiobook Research (SAbRe) is a scholarly society that aims to foster connection and collaboration between audiobook researchers from around the world.

Audiobooks are popular and growing, with significance for the reading public and for scholars in literary studies, media and communications, and cultural studies.

SAbRe is an international community of practice for researchers examining the publishing, circulation and reception of audiobooks. SAbRe members communicate through its mailing list, and also convene at virtual seminars, formed panels at scholarly conferences, and other events.

Our members are interested in audiobooks’ production, circulation, reception, and interpretation; connections with and departures from print and ebook publishing and reading practices; their use in classrooms and other educational contexts; their histories, presents and futures.

SAbRe welcomes members from anywhere in the world, although we primarily correspond in English. We welcome members from any discipline or intellectual tradition, and any career stage. We acknowledge the importance of audiobooks as accessibility aids, and particularly welcome members who are vision impaired or otherwise print disabled.